Medications, Dispensers & Test Kits

Medications, Dispensers & Test Kits Product Categories

Safeseal bottles - leakproof & childproof dispensing bottles for liquid meds - eg Ivermectin, Zantac etc
Insecticides and Repellants
We stock Nuheart monthly heartworm tablets - the most cost effective monthly heartworm prevention
Products to help clean the patient before examination and treatment.
In house test kits for: Heartworm, Parvo/Coronavirus, FeLV/FIV, FIV, Giardia, Chlamydia
Gastrointestinal wormers for your dog, cat and horse
Find our clearance items, expired stock, and discontinued lines here.

Contact information

PO Box 417 Fairy Meadow, NSW 2519 Australia

1300 838 438

Site by strongpoint - Maintained by GVP